Seniors Only
All quotes must be limited to 300 characters. No emojis, no inappropriate content, and no derogatory comments. All quotes will be reviewed and can be taken out if it’s not school appropriate. If you’re using a famous quotation, please cite the speaker.
ALL students will have to submit their own photo meeting the requirements below to be in the yearbook this year OR have their picture taken by Lifetouch (for free, unless you buy a photo package).
Orientation: Photos should be in portrait orientation
Image Size & Resolution: Images must meet the following requirements
- Minimum size: 2.5" horizontally X 3.5" Vertically
- Image resolution: 300 dpi.
File Type: JPEG file ONLY
You should share the following information with whomever takes your photo for the yearbook:
- Portraits need to be chest up --Full body portraits will not be accepted
- The Senior is the ONLY one in the image.
- Seniors' faces must be a full-faced shot (no side or partial profile).
- Hijabs are allowed and acceptable
- No hats or headbands of any kind
- No sunglasses
- No props
- No hands near the face
- No snapchat filters or other filters added to the image.
- No friends, children, significant others in the photo
Think back on your high school career. What sports and clubs did you participate in? What are you proud of?
Share your achievements and extracurriculars.