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Technology in Education

Welcome to the Washington Technology Magnet School Computer and Related Technology Website!

Our purpose is to support the mission of our school and help students to get smarter through the use of the internet, computers, and related technologies.  

Our vision is students actively engaged in multiple technology based platforms as they prepare to take their place in a changing world.  

Todays's students are growing up as technologically literate natives in a constantly evolving world.  They have almost constant access to information and communications through multiple platforms including smartphones, tablets and computers.  Middle school has always been a time of incredible growth and change for young people. With the advent of social media- FaceBook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc; as well as the internet itself as a source of incredible information-  it is important that young people recieve guidance in the proper use of technology, computers and the interent.   Our focus  is to provide that guidance by not only helping students to learn and master useful computer skils, but also help them to exercise critical thinking and mature judgement as they access information online.

Peter Williams

Tchr - Technology